This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:
edited by
Barbara Horejs and Peter Pavúk
with technical support by Peter Demján
The aims
Today the area roughly south of the River Danube embraces a number of states, several languages and also a growing number of scholars working in this wide region. The aim of the project, therefore, is to facilitate an international cooperation resulting in an English language web-page that will serve the purpose of an internet platform and at the same time radiate impulses for further scientific discussions related to South-Eastern Europe. The web-page should also offer to archaeologists of various countries the possibility to present the results of their work, new finds, ideas etc. in a fast and unbureaucratic way, which is easily accessible to a much wider audience than the standard archaeological publications. Moreover, the website should also offer a number of services:
1. It is constructed as a database, with all contributions indexed, and can be therefore searched or simply browsed by topic, region and site.
2. The site will contain a set of G.I.S.-based maps, which are already prepared, but still lack a suitable web-interface.
3. It will function as an edited volume, with its own ISBN: 978-80-223-2376-5
Selected topics
In an initial step, the topics selected will address two phenomena that occurred during the Bronze and Iron Ages in the northern Aegean and southern Balkans, which we consider especially in need of international attention: mattpainted pottery, on one hand, and grey wares, on the other. Both of these wares partly overlap in their respective distribution areas. They appear both in graves and among settlement finds, and, last but not least, in their dissemination they cross a number of borders. These can be natural micro-regions, archaeological cultures or modern states. At the same time they span two periods of time as different as the Bronze and Iron Ages. Further, both wares used to be taken for indicators of migrations, cultural influences or even trade networks. However, despite a number of already existing studies, the aforementioned issues are still far from being solved definitively. Accomplishing an aim such as this in the form of an edited monograph would be a daunting task; a web-page, however, has the advantage of being built up step by step over a length of time.
Future plans
In initiating the project, we have started with the southern Balkans and the northern Aegean, but it is intended to continue farther south, to central and southern Greece as well as to the east, to western Anatolia. The range of topics is open to further impulses from interested contributors. On the one hand, here it is possible to publish short excavation reports and present new finds, while, on the other, general summaries on broader topics are welcome. Individual contributions will be permanently placed on the intended web-page and will count as a proper publication in an electronic medium, with all copy-right guaranties. To facilitate a high quality of the resultant website, all potential authors are offered free-of-charge service on editing, English language correction, and final lay-outing of the contributions.
For further inquiries about this web-based project, please contact the editors.
Enjoy the website!
Barbara Horejs and Peter Pavúk